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    Want to sponsor MRAC?


    Posts : 103
    Join date : 2010-07-06
    Location : Mac Arthur Area

    Want to sponsor MRAC? Empty Want to sponsor MRAC?

    Post  pbk1776 Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:52 am

    If you would like to sponsor our club please contact the following people

    Ian - ? man can you please add your email here lol
    Raf - raf_clemente@hotmail.com (will personally sponsor the club as soon finance approve it www.waez.com.au together with pNeo Designs)

    What do you get by sponsoring our club?

    1.) Exposure of your business in all members/visitors and other businesses - You are supporting our local car scene and you will be exposed in our local area
    2.) promotion of your business and recommendations by MRAC
    3.) you will have advertisement through out this forum and club events
    4.) You will have your own Section where you can moderate threads to be created - You can also create threads where you can sell your business/service and products
    5.) You will be part of the sponsor list

    How much to sponsor?

    Please contact one of the stuffs

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:15 pm